Monday, August 22, 2011

Am I A Kabober?

I started vacation on Friday (a long weekend with the highlight being Awesome Wife and me riding 70 hilly miles at the Livestrong Challenge in Philadelphia area).  We were out running errands on Friday getting ready, and decided to head into the District for Farragut Friday, the weekly food truck conglomeration.  There were about nine or ten trucks to choose from, and we decided to try Tasty Kabob.  I've read good things about them, and I've seen their truck around.  Moreover, I have seen their tweets to their loyal band of "Kaboberz."  It sounded like a club I wanted to join, so we bypassed Ficelle, our original choice, and went all in.

The choice for vegan sounded promising--chickpeas over rice alongside spinach, served with salad, and a choice of sauces, from mild to hot.  For the lacto-vegetarians, there is also a yoghurt dill sauce (I suspect that including this may have improved quality dramatically).  The guys were very friendly, and the line moved pretty quickly.

The food looked pretty good, but I am disappointed to say, tastewise? Not so much.  I am a big fan of the hot sauce, and was excited to try my dish.  The chickpeas were pretty much flavorless, served in some kind of tomato sauce, with the hot sauce overlaid.  There was just not much flavor to be had.  The spinach wasn't bad at all--it was bland, but simple.  The "salad" was a piece of iceberg and a sad looking tomato.  AW's was even worse, as the mild sauce meant there was essentially no flavor.  A lot of food went into the trash bin, as it just wasn't good.  I really hate to write bad reviews, and I appreciate any truck that offers a vegan option, but I can only offer 1.5 wheels, and decline to join the Kaboberz fraternity.

On another note, Blue Bell, PA is not a vegan hot spot.  In an effort to be a good sport, I tried a grilled romaine salad.  It is rare that I taste something that i enjoy quite so little.  I'm not a big salad guy in general, but I think I like my salad cold.  Not grilled.

Not sure what's on the menu this week--I'm back in the office Weds.  Craving Benethiopia, but they are around tomorrow.  I, sadly, am not.

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